Thursday, August 27, 2020

Finally Lake Trout


When we got back to the cabin the day before we the owner asked us how we did and we told him we got skunked again. He called his son-in-law to have him ask his father, who is an avid fisherman, for suggestions that we might try. He got back to us and told us to fish south of Plattsburg Bay and along Valcourt Island. We did just that and dad finally ended his lake trout drought of two years!

In my research leading up to the trip one thing that I discovered was that Lake Champlain was infested with an invasive species called Water Fleas.  They were notorious for latching onto your lines and that the thicker diameter line you fish with the better. We used lines up to the 30 and 40 lb test and it didn't seem to make any difference. They still clung to the lines.

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