Sunday, February 03, 2008

Elliot's Birthday Videos Part I

The present that made the biggest hit for Elliot and more so with Brodie is the one from Grandma Teddie which was the Bug Hotel. As some you may or may not know, every fall hundreds and hundreds of Lady Bugs like to winter in our house, mainly in the door jambs and window sills. We generally have lots and lots of red and black polka dot visitors through out the winter. This year, I decided enough was enough and vacuumed up many, filling a vacuum bag, yet I did not get them all. For Christmas, I got a handy vac to police up the stragglers. Of course, Brodie, our youngest goes nuts when ever sees one. He calls them "BBs" but he is learning to call them Lady Bugs.

Today's warm weather brought many "BBs" out and we scooped as many as we could find and gave them a new home, Elliot's Bug Hotel.

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