Took the boat out for the first time to go fishing after work last Friday
and this is the first time I have seen a sailboat, not a Sunfish, on Lake Lililohan.

The motor fired up on the first turn of the key and everything was working fine with a few exceptions. Speedometer doesn't seem to work anymore and the only thing that works on the radio is the Aux In and amplifier. Nothing on the radio comes in and the CD player is kaput.
Of course the biggest kick in the teeth is the missing Lowrance LX-27c Chartplotter, GPS and Depth Finder. Thinking that I took it out of the boat during winterization I looked everywhere in the garage, basement, and house and couldn't find it. That device is pretty big so it would be pretty hard not to miss but it's no where to be seen. Of course, it's replaceable but what's not replaceable is the 5 years of data from the Cabonga Reservoir that I never backed up!

I looked up Red-Eye's in McClane's and found that this fish is in the Sunfish family, like all other bass are and up close it looks like a cross between a crappie and a sunfish. Still, they had some fight in them and were fun to catch.